Livescribe 3 Pen

It is incredible how technology can do so much for us these days. Many Americans cant always remember every conversation they have. There are also those times that when you are in school and don’t hear wat the teacher says. The new Livescribe 3 pen allows you to record the conversations and tranfers it all to your I-pad or I-phone. The Livescribe pen also alows you to write on a notebook and it passess all the notes to youre I-pone, or I-pad.
Author:Damon Darlin,New York Times,December 17,2013,artilcle

Buying AMC stocks

AMC will be selling stocks for movie fans. The stocks price will be $18-$20 each. The question is that if the stocks would go up because in the past years the stocks that where worth $17 have dropped 24 percent each day which is now $3.
Source:BY RACHEL ABRAMS, New York Times, December 4,2013,article